3 May, 2024

How to track the coronavirus on your mobile

The outbreak of coronavirus  (Wuhan flu) is unpredictable with thousands of infections worldwide, hundreds of deaths (in China), and 23 countries with confirmed people who are positive for this new strain.

The situation became so complicated that the WHO World Health Organization had to meet and make a declaration of the nCoV pneumonia epidemic as an “international emergency medical condition”.

Video How to track the coronavirus on your mobile

Another problem that has caused the authorities a headache is the fact that fake information about the actual situation of the disease is spreading rapidly on social media, causing unwarranted confusion in the community. copper. In order to provide accurate, reputable information and give global people a better overview of the spread of corona virus in real time, the Center for Science and Systems Engineering (CSSE) is headquartered. In Johns Hopkins, Maryland, USA, they have been speeding up the development and introduction of an online statistical website, collecting disease data from a number of official agencies including WHO and testing centers. disease control and prevention in China, the USA and Europe.

Concerns about a new strain of corona virus may be more difficult to control than the initial assessment appeared on Sunday, after Chinese National Health Minister Ma Xiaowei said the time The incubation period can last up to 14 days, and during this period the virus can still be transmitted directly from person to person through the respiratory tract, ears, and eyes, leading to infection control. spread of disease becomes extremely difficult.

While a global emergency has been issued by the WHO, the organization says there is no reason to ban global travel, and welcomes Beijing for taking swift action. translation control.

Visit the website updated with CSSE’s Wuhan flu situation HERE .

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